Like our works? Want to see more from us? Want to support us in some ways? We really appreciate your thoughts! Here, we have listed some of the ways you can support us and allow us to continue producing quality games.

1. Create Fan Contents
You can unleash your artistic skill and create something from our games that you like! Illustrations, short stories, fictions, games, dolls, anything you can think of! We get fanarts every so often and we’re really happy everytime we see them. You can submit stuffs you made through our Tumblr page here : http://dudedle.tumblr.com

2. Give Us Feedbacks
Feedbacks are good. They tell us what we did right and what we did wrong, and that really helps us in our future games. So if you want to say something about our games, please go ahead and do it! It can be a tweet, a tumblr entry, a blog entry or a direct email. Whatever that’s convenient for you.
3. Sharing Our Games
A game is worth nothing if nobody plays it, so if you like our games, feel free to share them!
For free games, feel free to embed it on your website. Linking back to our site would be nice, but not necessary.
For commercial games, we don’t mind that as well! Internet file sharing is one of the awesomest thing that happened, so we don’t see the point of taking away your rights of sharing and copying the file. All our games are DRM free, and forever it will be.
One thing though, we don’t like seeing people using our contents as a hostage. Something like “I might share this game, if you give me something.” is NOT COOL. Our games are not tools for someone to feel superior than the others.

4. Buy Our Games
If you like the game, please consider buying it! You can decide later after the demo, or even a full game shared on the internet. We understand that nobody wants to pay for something that they don’t like, and sometime demo is not enough. Sometime it takes finishing the whole game. We’ll be happy to know that you buy the game because you want to support us, and not because of marketing ninjustu!
5. Make a Donation
Like what we’re doing but couldn’t afford the game? You can still donate! When we are working on a new project, we will hold a fundraising where there are many options for you to donate. Each option comes with different gifts from us as a token of our appreciation. The benefits include, but not limited to :
- Access to private demo or beta version of the game.
- Weekly update of the project we’re working on.
- Play the finished game before those who don’t.
- Gain access to exclusive arts, making process and behind the scene stuffs.
- Exclusive thank you artwork from our artists.
- Some other merchandises, depending on the occasion.
- Name listed as a supporter on our website
Alternatively, we are always open for anonymous donation through Flattr service. This allow you to decide the amount of money you want to donate. Because of its anonymous nature, we won’t be able to know who you are, so we can’t give you the benefits we listed above. But one thing you’ll get from us for sure is our appreciation, and our promise to continue making good game 🙂
6. Translate the Games to Language(s) You Know
We have noticed that our visitors are from all around the world. While English and Japanese are our main languages, we woud love to provide our games in other languages as well. So if you’d like to translate our games, please go ahead and do it!
We’re trying to make the translation process as easy as possible for you. Starting from Sugar Shooter 2, we will keep this as one of our goals. For games without the translation system, feel free to submit the translation via email. And we will provide the game in that language for you.
It should be noted that this is not limited to the game. If someone wants to translate game’s information page into languages they know, feel free to do it. No need for permission, though it would be nice if you let us know about it! We do a happy dance move everytime we found information about our games get posted on a forum written in languages we cannot understand 🙂

There might be more, but these are some examples we can think of right now. We’ll update this page if there’s any new way you can support us!
Donate to Dudedle Studio
For people who’d like to support Dudedle Studio in general.
Donate to a project
You can also support a specific project. Choose one from below.



フリーウェアについて あなたのサイトにご自由に貼ってください。デュードルのサイトへリンクを付けてくれたら嬉しいですが、強制ではありません。
シェアウェアについて 上記と同じで、かまいません。インターネットのファイル共有はとても素晴らしい発明です。私たちにあなたのその「ファイル共有」や「コピー」の権利を奪う理由はありません。全てのゲームは今後もずっとDRMフリーです。

- ベータ版へのアクセス
- 週間のゲーム制作更新情報
- 完成版の早期プレイ
- 限定公開のアートやメイキングへのアクセス
- アーティストからの感謝絵
- 機会によってその他のグッズなど
- 支援者リストをウェブサイトに公開
これはゲームに限らないことですが、ゲームの情報を翻訳したい方がいたら、許可はいりません。どうぞ続けてください。もし知らせてくれたら、小躍りしちゃいますけどね。 🙂
