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Messages - Alt

I would love it if there were bara manga sold in the U.S. I am not a fan of Gengoroh Tagame as all that blood is not my thing. Seizou Ebisubashi, Matsu Takeshi, Matsuzaki Tsukasa, Gai Mizuki and a few others have to be my favorite authors. Already a lot of my expendable income goes to books and the gay scene here does lean towards hairy/muscular guys so the market is there.
I believe there can be furry bara like Captain Nikko's, In Good Time, there's a translation in I don't read it much or at all really.
What do you think about bara manga in America? Do you own/plan to own one or more of those books? Do you think there is, or there will be a market for this type of manga?

Also, bonuses questions: Do you think "furry" stuff can be considered bara? (I don't get people who says it cannot be...) Do you think furry-bara manga would be able to hold a place in those bara manga anthologies?