Quote from: punipen on March 19, 2012, 12:21:52 AM
You controller seems to be a y-axis inverted controller. You need to edit the setting.json file with a text editor (Notepad would be fine) and change the y-inverted from false to true.
As for buttons get reset when meeting the first boss, I've never experienced anything like that so it'd be hard to say what could cause it. I'd say it has to do with the controller, and it's possible that it might be Unity's bug with specific controller.
For now, please try and see if you can get the inverted control fixed from editing setting.json
As for the game, I don't quite understand what you mean by basic mode. But the version on the link from BMTMicro will always be the latest version.
The invert editing worked, and redownloading the file gave me the right version! I am good to go. thank you!!!