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Messages - Wild Wolf

General / Re: Thievery: Punishment
February 26, 2015, 12:35:34 AM
A message from Muskie:

"There are 4 days left until Patreon does the card charges.  Can we get to the next goal to get Thievery 2 colored by then?"

If you like the premise/art style of the comic and want to see it colored, be sure to pledge a few more bucks on Muskie's Patreon project.
General / Thievery: Punishment
February 19, 2015, 09:32:11 PM
Hey, everyone!

This is a fan advertisement of the second chapter of a comic called Thievery!  It's a story about a young Kobold beguiler who gets into a lot of mischief and sexy circumstances in the world of Dungeons and Dragons!

It's a gay male comic written by Muskie and drawn by T0l0k.  If you like naive characters who get in over their heads when sloppy raging dicks are involved, then you'll most likely LOVE this ongoing comic series!

The link to a colored version of the first comic:
The link to Muskie's Patreon:

If you would like to contribute to the series and see its completion in all its wondrously hot glory, be sure to give Muskie's Patreon page a visit and decide if you would like to become a fellow patron.  Remember: there are bonuses to be had when certain milestones and donation amounts are met.  Best of all, you will NOT be charged until after the completion of each comic!   ;)
Games / Re: Possibly Touch & Tease 4
November 01, 2014, 07:07:38 PM
Quote from: somewhere_99 on October 25, 2014, 02:46:45 AM
I am a big fun of T&T series. It is so fancinating that I expect the next edition extremely.
What time will it be accomplished?

They already mentioned in previous posts that it will be a long time before they get around to making the fourth T&T game.  Have patience, support them, and they will get around to it eventually.
General / Re: Bobble star shooter
September 10, 2014, 05:44:31 PM
I found it easier to open the downloaded game in Flash Player.  It works well with no problems and I managed to beat the game multiple times!
Without giving away anything: I guarantee nothing happens to the player if you lose any matches.  You just restart the level and keep playing until you beat it.
General / Re: Bastard Bonds
May 24, 2014, 04:18:31 PM
Quote from: DFC on May 22, 2014, 12:10:04 AM
Sounds cool. I loved "See No Evil" and have messed around a bit with the football stalker game, so I know anything that CGB does ought to be good. I just wish he got around to finishing Chub Pan before starting another project...or at least updating the demo with any new content he might've added since uploading the first one.

Well, DFC, the situation is that Captaingerbear intends to release Chubpan as a free project rather than a profit project.  In order for that to happen, he has to make a profit from the games he plans to sell first so he can invest his time, effort, and sale dividends into Chubpan.  According to his own words on his tumblr account, he treats Chubpan as a "hobby" and he is obligated to keep it as a free-to-play project or else the composer who makes the music for the game will not lend CGB the rights to his music.

I hope that has cleared up any misconceptions.  CGB gets asked this question too many times.   ::)
General / Bastard Bonds
May 21, 2014, 07:00:05 PM
Hey, guys, guess what?   ::)

I just found out today that Captaingerbear is currently working on a new "relatively small project" called Bastard Bonds; his first pixel-art game.  He hasn't given any details as to what the game is about or what the gameplay will be like, but he did post some sketches and pixels of four characters on his tumblr account:  I will be sure to inform you guys of any updates he makes pertaining to this topic here and, if you want, you can follow his tumblr account for quicker updates.

I am so excited for this game already!!   ;D 

P.S.  Did I forget to mention he plans to have it finished sometime this summer?   ;)
Games / Re: Possibly Touch & Tease 4
April 26, 2014, 02:53:44 PM
Oooooo!  Maybe we can even see our target's spunk-covered dick and have his semen-coated underwear as an item to use just like the tube socks in T&T 3!  At this point I think the target for T&T 4 should be a vagrant punk with naturally black hair that's shaved with a red mohawk down the middle and one piercing on his right ear.  Maybe he could wear baggy black pants, a blue or red tee shirt, and a black leather jacket with chrome spikes on the shoulders.

What do you guys think?
Games / Re: Possibly Touch & Tease 4
April 21, 2014, 12:27:31 AM
Maybe it could be a sexy middle-aged police officer who is on night watch outside an office building and the player blackmails him into having illicit acts performed on him!   ;) 

Being someone who is attracted to both human and anthropomorphic animal men in drawings and games, I am of the opinion that the Touch & Tease series should probably remain a human-only venture for the sake of mass appeal to a game series and, consequently, to the Dudedle team.  Besides, there will still be opportunities to have furry men as main or side characters in a variety of other games like RPGs, Night Attack games, masturbation games, etc.   ;D
Fan Creations / Re: Let's share what you found
March 13, 2014, 10:34:18 PM
(0__0)  Hot.  <3
Games / Re: Touch and tease 3 help
November 19, 2013, 09:36:04 AM
Quote from: Evka on November 19, 2013, 06:52:50 AM
1. What about sex ending? how i get it?
2. How to be his boyfriend?
3. Use lotion? Where to get it


1.)  [spoiler]Get the sex ending by applying lotion to Katsutomo's butt, then finger him until the option to insert your penis is available.[/spoiler]
2.)  [spoiler]Do not yell and do not express your feelings to Katsutomo.  Follow step one and you should get the boyfriend ending.[/spoiler]
3.)  [spoiler]Get the lotion from Smile during the introduction.[/spoiler]

I hope these help.
General / Re: See No Evil
August 19, 2013, 04:40:50 PM
Despite the spontaneous crashes, I managed to complete the game to 100% without unlocking any bad endings!  ;D  I really like the best ending epilogue, although it did make me think about the fate of the thralls who were left behind.   :( 
I haven't seen the other endings yet with the exception of one ending which I unlocked in the demo, so no spoilers, please.  CaptainGerBear once again came through with flying colors in this project!  I'm even more psyched about his Townseed project now!

P.S.  If you'd like to know more about CGBs game, Townseed, be sure to take a look at and/or
General / Re: See No Evil
August 08, 2013, 08:43:34 PM
I pre-ordered the game and downloaded it.  It's really wonderful, but unfortunately I came across some bugs.  Every time there is an extensive dialogue scene, a pop-up appears saying it failed to retrieve field data or something to that effect.  I haven't been able to finish the game since, but I did e-mail CGB and he said he would look into the problem.  It's been a while since I last heard from him.  Has anyone else had similar issues in the game or demo?
General / Re: Kumo no Ito
August 08, 2013, 08:35:42 PM
Oh, we will hang in there a bit, Punipen.  WE WILL.  *evil laughter*  >:D
Kemo Coliseum / Re: Kemo Coliseum discussion
July 07, 2013, 01:26:13 PM

Thank you for sharing!   ;D
General / Re: Fantasy Football: Locker Stalker
December 23, 2012, 07:48:17 PM
As of about one hour ago today, I managed to unlock ALL the achievements and bonuses in the game!  Woo hoo!   8) 
Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to take a snapshot photo of the Roster screen.   :'(  Does anyone know how to do that?

P.S.  I already tried right-clicking the screen, but there was no option for a snapshot feature.