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Character Requests

Started by Kinky-K, August 05, 2011, 09:39:50 AM

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Quote from: Wanfang on August 05, 2011, 11:20:45 PM
I like to see a thief and a ninja in the game.

Might be hired by their  boss.

The Thief has good looks because it can charm ladies. Why not try it on guys? He will use Charming rose attacks and flashes. Can you stop the thief from stealing your treasure from your kingdom or will you be attracted by his charm and he gets away with it?

Ninja is so fast and got sharp blade attacks. He can teleport like a substitution jitsu and sometimes shadow clone to confuse you from real one. Watch out for his sharp blade attacks. You think that he missed cutting you but you're wrong. Few seconds later you notice your clothing starts falling off.  ;D
I actually figured somebody would ask for a ninja.  ;D
Ladies? Ain't no ladies up in here! That charming rose stuff doesn't sound fitting for a ninja, but after rereading I think you were suggesting two characters here? I don't know, a pirate was also suggested but I just took Kibi as a representation of a bandit as well as the rounin.
The rest about the blades and clones is of course a given for a ninja.


Quote from: Arthur on August 06, 2011, 02:36:47 AM
A Touhou parody would be perfect lol. Some cool Touhou-like background music to go with the character would be great too.

Sure our ideas may be a bit crazy but that's what you get for asking us to brainstorm. XD What ideas do you have?

Facial hair high five! ;D

Let's just say you must be sorta pyschic or can see in to the future or something lol.

On Both Characters? You're kidding?  :o Maybe I have been watching too much Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan .

Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan (main trailer)

This is how people vision the WIP to make it true.

Ouendan 2 BANG! BANG! Vacances! S Rank INSANE


A Firefighter Mage?

How about someone that uses portals?

Or how about twins?(that aren't related, but you have to fight them both at the same time)

Or maybe a bodybuilder that wants to overthrow Satan and become the new ruler of Sugar Kingdom, so that everyone can worship him?
Come to think of it...If Satan is the prince, then who's the king?


Quote from: Reiga on August 06, 2011, 08:06:38 AM
A Firefighter Mage?

How about someone that uses portals?

Or how about twins?(that aren't related, but you have to fight them both at the same time)

Or maybe a bodybuilder that wants to overthrow Satan and become the new ruler of Sugar Kingdom, so that everyone can worship him?
Come to think of it...If Satan is the prince, then who's the king?

Mage is ok. He can use all elements is better not only one.

Teleport gives more a challenge I agree.

How about Doppelganger?  It will copy hero's ability against him.

Ok that reminds me Alex Kidd enchanted castle ending.

Alex kidd' story in the game.

Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle Intro

Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle Ending

BTW did you know the japanese version is different in playing Janken.

Alex kidd: Janken fight

Strip rock, paper, scissors


Well, not so much of teleportation.  Just portals that can redirect attacks and drains your energy if you get hit by your own attack


Not that there's a problem with random ideas, but it was more for a specific character type you had in mind, not just things off  the top of your heads.


The Dukes:
This, is the cowboy! Or the biker!
Physical Suggestions:
He very well could be chubby if you wanna go with a stereotypical American. If not that stereotype just beefy like most of the other boys is always good. Just don't pull the blue-eyed blond; don't even pull the blond. Hairstyle? A big-ass pompadour!

Outfit Suggestions:
Must haves: cowboy boots, daisy dukes, lots of leather and accessories like armbands/wristbands/gloves/choker/tassels. I don't mean at least one of everything. For a top or something above the dukes maybe a big gun holster, a midriff baring leather jacket, or a skimpy hard gay leather one piece. If he did have a pompadour, he obviously wouldn't have room for a hat, so if he was more of a cowboy he'd have to wear it on his back with a string around his neck. Which would be funny, because why even have a hat with hair that big? lol

Weapon Suggestions:
Classic cowboy six shooters.
A single revolver fired from the hip, or maybe a pair of dual revolvers.

The Kilt:
This, is the scottsman! Or the punk!
Physical Suggestions:
Here, ginger hair is a must have. Scotland (and Ireland) has one of the highest percentages of gingers so it's gotta be him if no one else. 

Outfit Suggestions:
A kilt could be really sexy! Plaid traditionally, but leather too, so making him a punk rocker or something could work! Or maybe make it a mix like I ended up going for in the cowboy suggestion and make him a punk scottsman! I actually don't even think kilts have a specific top, but different kinds of boots and some fancy shoes are usually worn with it. No underwear is also common!

Weapon Suggestions:
Hah, I don't know. A shillelagh? A bagpipe?

And aside from that venturing more into where Sugarless is from might be interesting. I don't know exactly what the original idea was, since Tarosuke and Souffle don't share any of Sugarless' theme like Arthur does. Maybe a few more sports boys, maybe a few more knighthood boys. Not quite sure, some of the ideas I have are more all over the place than the ones above are.

I've got more though, tell me if you love or hate where I'm thinking with these though.


Ah!  That's what I wanted to say!  A Scottish guy with a mini-kilt! XD


How about an Oni?

It could be a red Oni that sports a tiger loincloth(or jockstrap) under a...toga or college jersey/jock uniform, and uses either a Taiko drum, a marching drum, a band drum set, or a microphone.

He's a party boy and likes to dance and play around.  He's very friendly and can be seen as a frat boy that likes to experience all kinds of fun(especially sex ;3)  Unfortunately, he's accidentally destroying Sugar Kingdom because he's partying too hard and mistakes Satan for challenging him to a friendly battle.

His physique can be bulky with big muscles, but has a muscle gut(probably from all the drinking).

What do you think?


lol Well we still have more Japanese characters to be revealed, so we'll see about that! Definitely would make sense for a Japanese character though.  ;)

Back to the two my first two suggestions:
An outfit Tina has in DOA is what I meant when I said the hard gay leather on top of the daisy dukes:
It just happens to have a lot of elements I mentioned I wasn't actually even going off of this, and obviously it would look different on a male, but it still has a lot of elements I was mentioning. The cropped leather jacket might be hard to get a good example of. It's basically just like any leather jacket except it's only about halfway down your back. Guess something like that might even work if the Scotsman was more punky. Gotta love leather!

And I don't want to link to any nude images, but searching something like gay kilt on google will get you plenty of manty-shots! Plenty of views of different kilts as well. Sorry I didn't post any plaid kilts, I only posted these leather ones because the first one's nice and skimpy and I like the shoes in the second one. lol


I like the first leather kilt pic :3


Kilt equals Braveheart or the kilt wrestler in WWF. Not sure if i remember his name.
He needs warriors face paint.  ;D


Quote from: Wanfang on August 06, 2011, 01:05:44 PM
Kilt equals Braveheart or the kilt wrestler in WWF. Not sure if i remember his name.
He needs warriors face paint.  ;D
Face paint could be cute! Not the same as Braveheart's though, I don't want to be reminded of Mel Gibson.
I think you're talking about Hot Rod ("Rowdy" Roddy Piper)? I just googled him to find out who he was.


I'd love to see an Oni too.... maybe even a pair of them...... ohohohoho......

The Scotsman and Cowboy both sound like great ideas. They both have great SS potential. You've got great ideas for their looks as well. A scottish wrestler wouldn't be bad either. Wrestling is kind of a fetish of mine.... eheh...


Yeah, I definitely want a wrestling boy. Take-san is good at designing them already. He did a sexy one for Bukkake Party too! Gotta have the wrestling singlet!