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Sugar shooter 2: Prince's Relic*green flying pet*

Started by Wanfang, August 27, 2011, 06:18:16 AM

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If you are going to add other characters in Sugar shooter 2 as playable characters. Would the Characters will get the Relic? *The green flying pet* He's the source turning bullets to sugar.



Satan's Dessert Ring is what turns the bullets into sugar, not Frey.
And what do you mean reiga?


I thought Frey powers the desert ring?  I mean, the bullets don't change into candy within Satan's Dessert Ring unless Frey passes it during his clockwork trips.

And I meant switching Frey to have someone else circle around Satan and create a different Sugar Burst move


Well I just checked to make sure and yes they do. Frey has no effect on when the bullets are made sweets.
I'm fairly certain Frey is just there to help you keep track of what mode you have the Dessert Ring in and where you are on-screen.