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Fanon Fake Wiki: Sugar Shooter: One Hairy Mess

Started by ramsey276, November 19, 2011, 03:46:36 AM

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Until I manage to draw up some fanart, let me post this and , like any Wiki, gets some love  ;)

Sugar Shooter: One Hairy Mess

Plot Synopsis

Prince Satan's hunting day is interrupted by an eccentric man in a skin-tight bodysuit matching his midnight-blue hair (according to the man himself) and is attacked by him, dissapearing as suddenly as he appeared, taking Prince Satan's pants with him.

Returning to his castle, he learns a similar man, this one fully dressed in 'ginger red' had stormed his castle and managed to reach his room, taking all his pants with him. Sugarless and Arthur are the most enraged by the attack, while Tarosuke and Souffle are more confused by the pan theft, especially since Prince Satan himself is currently pantless. The Prince finally snaps, swears revenge, and begs for some pants until he recovers his own.


The latest gameplay feature is the Soul Duet mode, where your partner can you you for a limited time, either following, mimicking or mirroring your movements. During this mode, your partner (who appears pantless since it's their pants you are currently wearing after the theft) is vulnerable to shots not absorbed by the Dessert Ring. If your parnter is hit, the Soul Duet Mode ends but you do not lose a life. If the Soul Duet is not interupted, your Duo Level increases by 1, increasing your Score and Bonus gain.


1.    Sauce-  A male Expy of Bayonetta, wielding slings. Satan comments after their first battle how odd it was his air got all messed up after the final Armor Break. He realizes his hair is his suit when he uses his Tangled Mess attacks patterns in the rematch.

2.    Yew- A male Expy of Jeanne from Bayonetta, wielding crossbows. He stormed Prince Satan's castle and stole his pants after his brother said he wanted them, unaware that he meant the ones Prince Satan was wearing at the time. Sugarless and Arthur rage at hime druing the pre-fight dialogue if they are your chosen partner.

3.    ?- Masks animated by Sauce and Yew The red masks explode into shots when destroyed.

4.    ?- Sauce's "toy"

5.    ?- Yew's "toys"

6.    Tohryu- tricked by Sauce or Yew into believing Prince Satan attacked him and planned to invade Zipang. He later claims (after being defeated) he was not fooled but supposed Satan might have been tricked as well so he played along "what the enemy would expect to take them by surprise"

Health and Blessings

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