[:en]Kemo Coliseum[:ja]ケモコロシアム[:]


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Game Information

  • Title: Kemo Coliseum
  • Genre: Match-3 puzzle RPG
  • Player: 1 person
  • Price: Free
  • Console: Windows and Mac
  • Demo release date: TBA
  • Langage: English, Japanese

About The Game

Kemo Coliseum is an adult puzzle RPG game. Players will take a role of one of the three heroes and participate in the tournament in the Kingdom of Kornelia. The winner of the tournament will be rewarded with a title of a “Gladiator”, and a chance to ask for one wish to be granted by the king of Kornelia.


  • A battle system that mixes a match-3 puzzle with a turn-based RPG game. Plan your actions wisely and make the most out of your turn!
  • Strip your opponents with “Armor Break” system.
  • Choose from 3 playable characters with different story lines
  • Customize your character with accessories, skills and armor bonuses.
  • Collect valuable raw materials and let your blacksmith create powerful new accessories.
  • Connect with people in the Kingdom of Kornelia, as well as other contestants. Your choice will affect their relationship with you.
  • Various sexy and erotic scenarios.

Public Demo

Updated date: 2017/12/15

Making Progress



What kind of game is this?

“Kemo Coliseum” is a RPG and match-3 puzzle hybrid game. If you know or have played “Puzzle Quest”, then this game is pretty much a furry + nudity version of that. There are variation in gameplay though, so it isn’t an exact copy.

Will there be nudity or erotic scenes in the game?

The game contain strong nudities, mostly involving forced gay sex due to the theme of the game. In the coliseum, the person who lose will have to suffer the ‘punishment’ from the crowd.

How many characters are there?

There are total of 10 major characters that you can see erotic scenes in the game, 3 of them are playable characters. It’s possible that we might create an expansion in the future that allow you to play other character’s scenario.

Will there be female characters? If so, will there be nudity scenes involving female characters?

There are female NPCs in the game that serve for story and setting purpose. However, there will be no erotic scenes involving female in the game.

How much will the game cost?

The game will be free for everyone. Furry gay game is already limited, why not make it free so everyone can enjoy? 🙂 You are encouraged to share, make a copy, put it on hosting site, etc. You are also free to sell the game, if you want to, be it digitally or physically. No need to share us profit, if you don’t feel like it.

How are you gonna make money out of this?

We will accept donation though. If you like the game, want to support what we are doing, or just feel like throwing money at us, then feel free to donate!

What platform will this game be available to?

The game will be playable on Mac and Windows.

Donate to Kemo Coliseum

Screen Shots

kemocoliseum-game.tumblr.com tumblr_obdn1caFbL1vcusruo4_1280

kemocoliseum-game.tumblr.com tumblr_obdn1caFbL1vcusruo2_1280

kemocoliseum-game.tumblr.com tumblr_obdn1caFbL1vcusruo1_1280

kemocoliseum-game.tumblr.com tumblr_obdn1caFbL1vcusruo3_1280

kemocoliseum-game.tumblr.com tumblr_obdn1caFbL1vcusruo5_1280

[:ja]Kemo Coliseum 10 characters


Check on Patreon for the latest update


  • タイトル: ケモコロシアム
  • ジャンル: パズルRPG
  • プレイヤー人数: 1
  • 価格: フリー
  • 対応デバイス: Windows, Mac
  • 体験版リリース: 未定
  • 言語: 英語, 日本語




  • 戦闘システムはマッチ3パズルとターン制RPGの複合です。自分のターン内で出来ることをよく考えて、行動に移そう!
  • 「アーマーブレイク」システムで敵の服を脱がそう!
  • ストーリーの違う3人の主人公から1人を選べる!
  • アクセサリー・スキル・アーマーボーナスを自分ごのみに改造しよう!
  • 素材を集めて鍛冶屋で強力なアクセサリーを生成!
  • コーネリア王国に集う人々と交流して、人間関係を構築しよう!
  • えっちなシーンが盛りだくさん!




更新日: 2017/12/15
















Mac と Windows で遊べます。

Donate to Kemo Coliseum

Screen Shots

kemocoliseum-game.tumblr.com tumblr_obdn1caFbL1vcusruo4_1280

kemocoliseum-game.tumblr.com tumblr_obdn1caFbL1vcusruo2_1280

kemocoliseum-game.tumblr.com tumblr_obdn1caFbL1vcusruo1_1280

kemocoliseum-game.tumblr.com tumblr_obdn1caFbL1vcusruo3_1280

kemocoliseum-game.tumblr.com tumblr_obdn1caFbL1vcusruo5_1280
